Monday, April 30, 2012

Lesson 2 - Theories and Theorists

This ATM is a very rational product of society. It brings economic logic to the act of banking. With more rationality brings less human activity.

Many theorists important to sociology came from Europe. They contributed greatly to the sociological theories we use today.
This self checkout is a dehumanizing feature that makes getting out of the grocery store less painful. It also contributes to the disenchantment of society brought about by many bureaucracies.

Marx believed that throughout history conflict had to happen to start any type of social change. Also that conflict was at the base of every society.

This photo of a graduating class relates to the postmodern theory. With each graduating class, more educated adults will be added to society bringing more options fore change and also add a diverse thought process to how things should be done. They will all bring contrasting views to what has already be done before as well.

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