Monday, April 30, 2012

Lesson 7 - Deviance and Conformity

 This Batman character being deviant in society's eyes.  As a society we judge him because he is breaking the norm.  Our judgements are what make his behavior deviant.
My grandfather had a physical stigma. He was treated differently because of his physical state of being.
 These students are conforming to society by all going to school and being seated in desks. We all conform more than we deviate, it is just harder to point out.
This is a gypsy/street performer that deviated from the normal path of society. Society does not always treat him respectfully, therefore, his actions are deviant.
Planking was a fad that was a harmless way to deviate from the majority of society. While planking, we have all received strange looks and some rude remarks. These reactions from people let us know that planking is a form of deviance.

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